Monday, August 30, 2010

Rumor Time: iPod Nano - Touch?

We're two days away from Apple's "Music" event (scheduled for Wednesday September 1st) and that can only mean: more rumors!

We've already glossed over an iPod Touch sporting a Retina Display and dual cameras (for Facetime without an iPhone), 99-cent movie/tv show rentals on iTunes, a more cloud-centric iTunes, and now all but confirmed, a new touchscreen iPod Nano.

Last week Engadget had reported the emergence of a new iPod Nano or iPod Shuffle that was only a 1.7-inch touchscreen. The case above from suggests that this mysterious micro version of the Touch may be real.

PMB feels it could be a new touchscreen Shuffle as it's about due for a refresh and the tiny, no button interface of the current Shuffle was less than a hit. Also, trading the Nano's video camera (which at the $150 price range) that allows Apple to compete with the Flip camcorder for a 1.7-inch touchscreen would be a step backwards in our opinion.

Alibaba via Engadget

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Smash-And-Grab San Diego

In the early morning hours, two hooded men smashed the front windows of the University Town Center mall's Apple Store and made off with several iPhones. This is yet another smash-and-grab burglary to hit an Apple Store in less than a month.

To the thieves and would-be thieves out there: Hey fucktards, would you take a brick to St. Patrick's Cathedral? Would you think it okay to smash a section of the Prayer Wall in Israel? How 'bout try to steal the meteor fragment from Mecca. No you wouldn't so please let's put an end to these smash-and-grabs. The pristine glass facade that adorns each Apple Store is a testament to restored sense of child-like wonder that awaits on the inside; just be sure to buy that sense of child-like wonder and don't do anything that would be illegal. via EBone (twitter)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rumor Time: Apple TV/ iTV 99-cent Rentals coming to iTunes Store

Image originally posted on

It's almost September, which can only mean one thing: Apple Event - Apple Rumors! It's always a fun time around an Apple Event, the rumor mill is churning double time and this year's "Music/iPod" keynote does not disappoint.

Already we've heard plenty of rumors regarding a new iPod Touch featuring a Retina Display and front facing camera, which of course means Facetime that doesn't require an iPhone. We're also hearing about a new 7-inch iPad, but I wouldn't hold my breath on this one.

The other seemingly yearly ritual is of a much needed update to the Apple TV line. First Engadget reported that the new Apple TV will not feature 1080i or 1080p playback but will offer apps similar to those found on the iPhone/iPod Touch. They also announced a rebranding of the device to iTV. It's been years since there's been any significant update to the Apple TV line, so we're hoping that this is true.

The biggest, understated, rumor of the year is the reported deal to bring 99 cent 48-hour rentals to the iTunes Store. This would be the biggest innovation to how we consume television (at least here in the US). According to Bloomberg, Apple is in advanced talks with several media outlets on getting this deal done in time for their September Keynote (Bloomberg is also saying it'll take place on Sept. 7th).

Just to get an idea of just what kind of impact this could have on cable companies; if you watched 3 shows Monday - Friday at 99 cents each you're monthly viewing would run just under $60 ($59.40 per month). UNDER $60! I wish my current cable bill was even $100 per month. Here's to hope.

Bloomberg via TUAW

UPDATE: reports that the Music Apple Keynote will be held September 1st in San Francisco. That was fast.

Mmmmm.... Stickers

Who doesn't love customizing their favorite gadgets? But sometimes we get a little carried away. Thankfully most of these Etsy decals are full of win instead of full of gaudy. Sure a purist will feel like we've somehow desecrated the temple of Ive, but how could you resist putting on a new face when they look like this.

Personally I think it's time my Macbook got a facelift a la Totoro.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Rumor Time: iPod Touch Getting Retina Display and Dual Cameras

Well we're officially well into August, which can only mean one thing: iPod Rumor Time! John Gruber of Daring Fireball casually mentioned an iPod Touch with Retina Display and dual display.
Oh yeah, there's also something there about a Dell something or another.

via Daring Fireball

FBI Priorities: First Copyright Infringers THEN Missing Persons

I don't know about you but when I think of the F.B.I. I get images of Dangerous Minds in my head. Some of the country's top cops thinking outside the box, finding dangerous criminals, solving unsolved crimes, and finding missing persons. Apparently that may not be the case; TechDirt reports that the F.B.I.'s to-do list now ranks copyright infringement higher than identity theft and missing persons.

From TechDirt:
Specifically, the FBI has consciously decided to give such cases lower priority in the FBI's laboratory, which is used to look at DNA evidence.
So if ever you're looking for one of the 719,558 people reported missing in 2009, just tell the F.B.I. that they may have illegally downloaded The Hurt Locker and the latest Kanye West album. They may just find them that much quicker.

via TechDirt

Friday, August 6, 2010

Ono says, 'Oh No!'

Originally posted at SilverlingingOpticians

Growing up on of the first gadgets that I became enamored with was my father's stereo and record player. The records the wall unit's recessed shelf became my own treasure chest of classic rock, Motown, Stax Records, and The Beatles.

At this time in my life I was drawn to The Beatles' Yellow Submarine album (I'm sure it was the album artwork - tripping on acid and being 6 are eerily the same) and it instilled a deep love for music. Today, more than ever, I continue to be a Beatles fan as I dabble in music production/engineering - their recording techniques truly changed the way music was made and heard.

So no surprises I've been keeping up with the ongoing soap opera that is downloading The Beatles records legally via an online music store. Well if you've been waiting for the day (as I have), you can pretty much continue to wait. In what I can only describe as an effort to ensure no one will ever be able to make legal digital downloads of the Beatles catalog available to fans (new and old), Yoko Ono again cites an impasse (though never says what it is) in their dealings with Apple's iTunes Store.

Although, to be fair the deal would have to get approval from two living members and the two surviving widows of George Harrison and John Lennon, Ono (Lennon's widow) has been the most vocal of her resistance to making the catalog available for digital distribution. Hell to be honest I'm amazed that Beatles Rock Band ever made it for sale. Time and time again, Ono has alluded to John somehow being against the conversion from physical media to digital distribution (often being quoted as it being "what John would've wanted").

As a music lover, an iPod owner, and having spent too much on more than one "re-release" of the Beatles catalog, Yoko here me out for a second: If John were alive, he'd want a divorce and Olivia Munn.

Saudis Drop the Banhammer on RIM

Image via

Hey there PoorMacs using a BlackBerry device (it's for work right? RIGHT?), planning on visiting the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia anytime soon? Well don't be surprised when some of your BlackBerry's functionality doesn't work.

According to The Bangkok Post, at midday local time BlackBerry messages stopped functioning. The KSA recently announced it's plan to disable BlackBerry service earlier this week after the United Arab Emirates announced it's plans to shut down the service citing security concerns (read: They want unrestricted access to user's information). The UAE will reportedly shut down BlackBerry on October 11th.

Though RIM has vowed to fight both the KSA and UAE's decision to block the service, and getting the attention of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, neither of the Arab States seem to be backing down.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Review: Ostrich for Safari

Apple's recent update to Safari brought us a number of enhancements to their browser; among one of the most notable additions has been extensions. Folks using Firefox or Chrome are already familiar with extensions and how they add functionality to your browsing experience. Ostrich is a Twitter extension for Safari that allows a user to keep up with their Twitter account without logging in on a tab/window or using a separate app like Tweet Deck or Twitterific.

So how does it fair? Here's what makes it work for me; if I'm browsing the web I tend to want to focus on the task at hand (i.e. I should be finishing this post) instead of obsessively checking to see if there are any updates - jumping between tabs or apps. Sometimes firing up Tweet Deck is a bit over kill; I don't plan on staying on my computer long enough to justify starting an app solely for Twitter when I should be checking my e-mail. Ostrich gives me the flexibility and a discrete enough footprint to do what I have to and indulge on my Twitter habit.

When a new tweet comes through you get a visual notification on your toolbar. Simple. Non-intrusive.

Clicking on the Ostrich button will bring down a drop down "window" displaying your timeline, mentions, and favorites. No fancy animations or graphical frills here - just a utilitarian interface that puts the info you're looking for in front of you.

Ostrich isn't for everyone though, if you're looking for a hardcore twitter extension that includes access to your lists, trending topics, followers, statistics then you should really consider using HootSuite. Again, Ostrich's strengths lie in its simple approach - have your timeline available to you even when you're not technically logged into Twitter.

Another feature that I'd like to see in future versions of Ostrich would be hyperlink shortening. I mean an extension that allows you to browse freely should incorporate the ability to (over?)share with everyone that follows you on Twitter. ("Hey guys I feel for a sandwich.")

Overall, it's a solid extension that's worth giving a try. Ostrich may not have it all but it's a damn good start.

UPDATE: Check the gallery for some more screen shots.
Ostrich for Safari 5