Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Beatles on iTunes

Well, tomorrow is here and according to the clock designated 10AM New York, we're about an hour away from the big announcement. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that today's announcement will bring The Beatles catalog to the iTunes Store, a move that will bring one of music's all-time most profitable franchises to a digital retailer for the first time ever.

The negotiations between Apple, EMI, and members of the band have been an on-going saga that seems to be coming to a close.

The truth is this would be a tepid announcement on Apple's part as more and more customers are hoping for a lot more from the world's largest music retailer (I'm looking at you Lala). It would be great to hear that Apple will allow you to stream your content to any via the cloud, offer a subscription a la Zune Pass, or even just offer iOS syncing via wifi.

Well here's hoping to something with a little more substance.

UPDATE: Engadget is reporting that The Beatles page on iTunes went live about 5 minutes ago. So ummm... yeah get there. Screen cap from Engadget below:

Full disclosure: I have purchased The Beatles catalog more than once and would probably buy it on iTunes as well.

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