Friday, December 4, 2009

Apple Buys Lala

Well it's official; the New York Times reports that Apple's acquisition of digital music service Lala is now official. It's a done deal! This could very well change the way we all consume music going forward.

A little background; Lala is a music service that allows users to create personal online "stations" and access them via internet. What sets Lala apart is the ability to upload YOUR music onto their cloud and stream to any web enabled device.

Now as the Times made clear; Apple did not buy label licenses to stream music online- the rights to stream were nontransferable, instead it's a near certainty that Apple bought the technology (servers) and talent (engineers) that make it all work. This could only mean that Apple hopes to incorporate the cloud model to future versions of the iTunes service.

The possibility of seeing an Apple approve method of backing up your iTunes purchases onto their cloud has arrived. What's worse than losing your music? Losing gigabytes worth that you've invested real money on - something we do NOT approve of at The Poor Mac's Blog.

We'll keep you posted.

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