Tuesday, October 20, 2009

AT&T vs. Net Neutrality

Well this didn't take long at all. Lately the FCC under Chairman Julius Genachowski has begun to look into and possibly enforce regulations that keep telecoms "honest." Under the Obama Administration's push for an open internet, net neutrality is getting some attention in regular news these days.

Not to have their interests buried amongst your - the people of the interwebs - cries of free, available to everyone internet; AT&T asshat lobbyist, Jim Cicconi sent out an email (republished here) to all AT&T employees urging them to comment on the FCC's OpenInternet.gov blog and let Genachowski know that he's a communist that's trying steal their mone... err... jobs.

Long story short, not only is the FCC trying to make you poor by ensuring that an ISP cannot play dirty games, control and monitor, or otherwise cap your usage of the internet in a non ISP approved way; they're letting Google head the death panel committee. The horror.

via Actuarial Outpost

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