Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hyperbole Thy Name Is CNN Money

So the latest big news to make its way around the web lately is Apple's recent round of intellectual property suits it filed against Samsung for the line of Galaxy devices. The screen capture above, comes not from Tom Dick Nobody's personal blog; nope that headline comes straight off of CNN Money's site.

Let's face some facts here kiddies, Steve Jobs is the CEO of a public company with real shareholders and other interested parties. If his Board and sharholders felt his sister were infringing upon Apple Inc's intellectual property, damn right they're gonna sue. For all the warm and fuzzy ads that we see on TV where Apple is this great benevolent company, they are in the business of making money.

CNN running with the headline above is nothing more than link bait and just a lame attempt at getting a controversial quote. The actual law suit does seem to be at least plausibly viable; the claims of Samsung infringing upon trade dress has a lot more to do with UI than it does the devices' packaging. CNN did not really add to the discussion other than picking up a blogger's hyperbole laced quip to cover the fact they produced a short listicle.

For a thorough breakdown of Apple's lawsuit against Samsung, be sure to check out This Is My Next's Nilay Patel's article.

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