Saturday, September 18, 2010

New iPads with FaceTime Due Out Q1 2011?

Here we go again with more rumors of a camera equipped iPad coming out in the very near future. Ars Technica brings us FaceTime ready iPad tease, citing Digi Times that various component manufacturers have begun testing a 9.7-inch iPad, pressumably with a camera for use with FaceTime.

Though no new info has really been announced in this latest rumor, the time frame - First Quarter 2011 - is spot on for the usual 1 year refresh rate of most Apple products (the iPad was announced in March 2010). Although sources have told AppleInsider that we can expect to see a new FaceTime compatible iPad in stores in time for the holiday season, I'm sticking to the conservative Q1 2011 guestimate.

via Ars Technica

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