Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Etch-A-Sketch iPad Case

Take one good look at that and tell me you don't want one. In fact tell me it doesn't make you want to go out and buy an iPad just get this case.

Well if you did say such a thing I'd call you liar. And no one likes a liar. Not at all.

The case, well it's officially licensed by Ohio Art - makers of the original Etch-A-Sketch and will set you back about $40. While you're Etch-A-Sketching your iPad out, make sure to download the app as well (the app is not official).


Update: Didn't mention it above but TUAW has a gallery with more pictures... so you know what to do.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Refurbished iPads now available in Apple's Online Store

In a sign that iPads availability is starting to improve, refurbished iPads are now going up for sale. The refurbished iPads start at $449 so it's just a tap to the price but who couldn't use an extra $50 in their pocket these days.

via AppleInsider

- Mobile Post via BlogPress

New iPads with FaceTime Due Out Q1 2011?

Here we go again with more rumors of a camera equipped iPad coming out in the very near future. Ars Technica brings us FaceTime ready iPad tease, citing Digi Times that various component manufacturers have begun testing a 9.7-inch iPad, pressumably with a camera for use with FaceTime.

Though no new info has really been announced in this latest rumor, the time frame - First Quarter 2011 - is spot on for the usual 1 year refresh rate of most Apple products (the iPad was announced in March 2010). Although sources have told AppleInsider that we can expect to see a new FaceTime compatible iPad in stores in time for the holiday season, I'm sticking to the conservative Q1 2011 guestimate.

via Ars Technica

Friday, September 17, 2010

Restoring a Sense of Child-like Wonder in China

Not only are you the proud owner of the 1st iPad sold in China and got hoisted like the hero consumer you are; you even made a shirt for the occasion: I BUY IPAD NO. 1

Good on you sir, good on you.

via Gawker

Friday, September 10, 2010

Would you take a hammer to your Macbook's case?

The product is Fast Mac's Pact Gel sleeve for the MacBook Pro line according to the manufacturers' MacWorld demo your MacBook is so thoroughly protected that you can assault it with a hammer with no fear of damaging your precious.

So what do you do if you're the new proud owner of this $50 sleeve? Well, if you're Twitter user @macfusiongirl you put it to the test.

I'm convinced it's worth picking up.

Hat tip to @mangochutney for putting us on to the video.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Twitter's Who's Who

Image via Gizmodo.com

Lady Gaga has some 6.7 million followers, the most of any user but she doesn't crack the top 100 most influential Twitter users.

Cornell University has a new formula to determine who human users are actively following; measuring retweets from folks as the primary factor in calculating a user's influence. Although the study was aimed at calculated the most influential media-news agency, it's just great to see a best of Twitter that didn't involve Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber. Check the full list here.

Oh and a special congratulations is in order to the folks at Gizmodo for making top 10.

Exolife iPhone 4 Battery Case

The first iPhone 4 battery/case to market is here, the Exolife by EXOGEAR is a pretty sweet looking case. For $90 it's not a bad way to go. Be sure to check out Gizmodo's full review.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

iOS4.1 is now live

That's right. Just as Steve had prophesized the coming of iOS4.1 in last week's Apple All About Music keynote it is now officially LIVE!

So run to your Mac (because of course you're using a Mac. Right?) plug your iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4 and get you some update. And if you can't update you can see what all the buzz is about over at TUAW's gallery.

iPhone 3GS headed to T-Mobile

Another day, another iPhone on x carrier rumor.

AppleInsider reports of a fresh rumor citing an unnamed T-Mobile manager "casually" mentioning the iPhone 3GS was coming to T-Mobile to Wired's Chris Anderson. Just as Anderson and AppleInsider are carefully filling this as a rumor, we at PMB will as well.

Do keep in mind though that the likelihood of the iPhone coming to T-Mobile is highly probable in terms of hardware restrictions/requirements. Sure a lot of Verizon folks would love to see it sporting that red V (or red check mark), just keep in mind that T-Mobile didn't drop $100 Million bashing the iPhone.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sermon on the Loop: Apple Special Event Semi-Live Blog

Can't catch the stream at work 'cause you're on a filthy, filthy Windows machine and have a crappy internet connection? Gizmodo/Engadget not providing enough fanboyism? Need a fellow Poor Mac's perspective? Check this space for the important updates*

*As long as your author's eyes do not glaze over or get distracted by all mighty Steve.

Live stream. Ready? Go!

Update 12:55 EDT: Woz is there. And they're playing Alanis Morisette. Wait. Now Eric Clapton

Update 1:01 EDT: Steve!! It's Starting. Shouted out Woz and told him to stand up!!! Fanboy-gasm

Update 1:05 EDT: Apple has over 300 retail stores in 10 countries. Spain will be the 11th. Lots of good architecture and restoring historic buildings where their stores are located.

1:10 EDT: 230,000 Apps in the App Store. 200 Apps per second. iOS 4.1 fixes proximity, bluetooth and iPhone 3G bugs. HDR Photos. More

Update 1:10 EDT: HDR photos being explained. Don't look like the over saturated HDR photos you see on Deviantart, thankfully.

Update 1:13 EDT: Game Center - means of finding your friends to play iOS games. If you don't have friends it'll find you some at a similar skill level. Nice. Also Project Sword demo.

Update 1:15 EDT: I'm not much of a gamer but Project Sword looks GOOD

Update 1:20 EDT: iOS 4.2 coming to iPad in November. Adds printing and the typical iOS4 features you've been missing.

Now. iPods

Update 1:22 EDT: 275 Million iPods sold so far. All new line up. First off: Shuffle.

1:24 EDT: Combination of previous two generations of Shuffles. Nice. 2GB for $49

1:26 EDT: Nano - smaller and better. Has multi-touch, ditches clickwheel. Has a clip.

1:30 - Nano prices: 8Gb = $149 16GB = $179

1:32 - iPod Touch has 1.5 Billion entertainment app downloads to its name.

1:35 - iPod Touch has a Retina Display! A4 Chip. Gyroscope. iOS 4.1. Front facing camera. Face Time!!! Rear camera with HD video recording. (Told you guys not to buy your Touch in the summer!) Frickin' beautiful. And runs iMovie for iOS

1:38 - iPod Touch prices: 8GB for $229, 32GB for $299, 64GB for $399

1:40 - iTunes 10. New iTunes icon. New iTunes layout. Less space taken up by "Album" section, replaced with album art.

1:41 - Ping. Social networking for iTunes. All about music. Nice.

1:43 - Livestream is stuttering. Damn you Gaga!!!

1:47 - Ping demo. Hipster music galore.... oh Katie Cotton!

1:48 - Gaga killing the live stream again.

1:50 - Ping on your computer and on your iOS device.

1:51 - One more thing... AppleTV

1:52 - AppleTV is tiny! 1/4 the size. Fits in your hand!

1:57 - $4.99 HD first-run movie rentals. 99¢ HD TV show rentals.

1:58 - Netflix streaming!!!! Youtube. Flickr. MobileMe.

2:00 - Rotten Tomatoes tomato meter and reviews

2:03 - Sorry, got distracted by Iron Man.

2:05 - Sigh, wanted to see "Summer in Korea" Photo slideshow.

2:08 - AirPlay is awesome. Play content from iOS devices.

Price is $99!!!!

2:11 - Steve reviews all of today's news. It was all pretty exciting. Good job Apple.

2:12 - Steve introduces musical guest... Coldplay.

2:13 - Correction: Chris Martin of Coldplay.

2:14 - Sounds good. Awesome.

2:19 - Viva La Vida. Is this an infinte loop?

2:24. - Chris Martin is a funny dude. Song in chord i-minor. Designed by Jon Ive.

2:30 - The Event is over but the Live Stream seems to be a few minutes behind. Lots of loops that last several seconds. Maybe the servers aren't 100% ready.

2:33 - Well with that said. Thanks a lot Steve, Apple and anyone who took the time to read this. Look forward to some post-keynote Poor Mac thoughts.