Monday, April 19, 2010

Stop the Presses - Gizmodo has video of the next iPhone!

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Hell there isn't much else to say really but from what we can see in the video the new iPhone will have:
  • Front facing camera.
  • Larger rear camera with flash.
  • Micro-SIM card (much like the iPad 3G)
  • Separate volume control buttons.
Also noticeably different from the current generation of iPhone, this iPhone does away with the rounded plastic and replaces it with a sleek glass/metallic finish that reminds me of the original iPhone (which to this day I'd love to get my hands on one).

Head over to Gizmodo for the full run down on the next iPhone. As for me, now I'll have to bide my time before I switch over to AT&T and get this sexy piece of kit for myself.

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