Tuesday, March 29, 2011

iPad 2 Lines Form at SoHo Apple Store

Wait what!? Didn't we do this about 3 weeks ago?

Apparently, demand for the latest magical iDevice is so high that up to today, March 29th, there are still lines forming in front of the SoHo Apple Store. AppleInsider posted the video below of at least a couple hundred folks braving the cold in hopes of dropping between $500-$800 for the latest iPad.

Seriously, this amazes me every time I see something like this. Sure if I had disposable income at the moment I'd pick one up but it's too damned cold in New York City to wait on line. Maybe someone should have let them know you can order it online.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Can't Kill a Classic

It seems like nowadays everything is about the iPhone and the iPod Touch, but what about the device that started it all? Where's the love for the Classic?

For fans of the Classic it sure seems like it's the long forgotten step-child of the iPod product line; hell the last time they saw an update it was September 2009. In the tech world you might as well say it was nothing short of 1,000 years ago; this is nothing short of starving a product to death.

Well rest assured PMB fans, a MacRumors reader went to the trouble of emailing the big guy himself, asking if Apple had any plans to discontinue the Classic line and got a short (but sweet) "We have no plans to."

Granted, even MacRumors thinks this may be a hoax but we can hope right.

Goodbye Bertrand - Senior VP of Mac Software Engineering Leaves Apple

The man who has pretty much shaped your Mac OSX experience has announced that he is stepping down as VP of Mac Software Engineering. After 14 years working at Apple, Bertrand Serlet is stepping down and leaving Craig Federighi in charge of the day-to-day work.

From the statement released by Apple, Serlet is going on to pursue other endeavors in the field of Science (Serlet has a doctorate in Computer Science). Also of note, Serlet does not see his absence creating any waves and all should be "seemless" for the upcoming release of OS X - Lion.

As a user I can appreciate all the work that went into OS X all the way up to Snow Leopard. So to that end, thank you Mr. Serlet.

You can read more about Bertrand Serlet here.

Full press release after the jump.

Bertrand Serlet to Leave Apple

CUPERTINO, California—March 23, 2011—Apple® today announced that Bertrand Serlet, Apple’s senior vice president of Mac® Software Engineering, will be leaving the company. Craig Federighi, Apple’s vice president of Mac Software Engineering, will assume Serlet’s responsibilities and report to Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. Federighi is responsible for the development of Mac OS® X and has been managing the Mac OS software engineering group for the past two years.

“I’ve worked with Steve for 22 years and have had an incredible time developing products at both NeXT and Apple, but at this point, I want to focus less on products and more on science,” said Bertrand Serlet, Apple’s senior vice president of Software Engineering. “Craig has done a great job managing the Mac OS team for the past two years, Lion is a great release and the transition should be seamless.”

Federighi worked at NeXT, followed by Apple, and then spent a decade at Ariba where he held several roles including vice president of Internet Services and chief technology officer. He returned to Apple in 2009 to lead Mac OS X engineering. Federighi holds a Master of Science degree in Computer Science and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley.

Serlet joined Apple in 1997, and has been involved in the definition, development and creation of Mac OS X, the world’s most advanced operating system. Before joining Apple, Serlet spent four years at Xerox PARC, then joined NeXT in 1989. Serlet holds a doctorate in Computer Science from the University of Orsay, France.

Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and has recently introduced iPad 2 which is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Gay Rights Petition Against iOS App Gaining Steam

The iOS App from Exodus International boasts that they have over 35 years of ministering teh gay away. Wait what?

Seriously Apple, clearly this would fall under the umbrella of objectionable content or hate speech. Change.org has been petitioning Apple to pull the "ex-gay therapy" app from their App Store and with good reason. To imply this group's pray the gay away method is based on any kind of scientific research is just offensive.

The bigger issue being if this can get through Apple's walled garden, what's keeping a KKK app from being approved? Listen Apple, get your shit together and do the right thing.

As of this post, Change.org has gathered approximately 130,000 signatures.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Confirmed: iPad 2 is carrier unlocked

Well if you've been on the fence about which iPad you'll be buying, we've got confirmation that the iPad is carrier unlocked so you can easily switch to your favorite carrier or local carriers if you're looking to dodge very costly international data charges.

More over at The Noisecast.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

iPad 1 Now Starting at $399

Now here's an announcement for all you Macheads on a budget.

If you don't mind last year's model, the iPad v.1 starts at just $400. Sure there's no dual-core A5 processor or dual cameras, but if you don't mind making a few sacrifices, you can walk away with a brand spankin' new (no refurb) iPad on the cheap(ish).

Place Your Bets.. The House Always Wins

It's almost showtime but for now take a look at this gem from Bookmaker.com.

Apparently the folks over at Bookmaker.com have you covered for a Vegas-style keynote. So if you're a betting (wo)man you can find out what your odds are and where to place your bets. You know if you're into that sort of thing. Or you could just play keynote Bingo.

via TUAW

Happy iPad 2 Day!

In just a few hours our lives will change forever, until the next refresh. So grab some popcorn, get your bingo cards out, and let's get ready for Apple buzzword shots!

Or if you're like me you'll just be trying to keep up with the news as it happens from your desk.

What to Expect:

  1. New iPads. It's on their invite (which we didn't get) so why not announce it.
  2. MobileMe announcement; it's everywhere and it seems imminent just don't be too disappointed if some of the best features aren't free.
  3. FaceTime for iPad. If you're on a Mac that isn't the latest MBP series, download the app. It's worth the $.99 (US App Store).
What NOT to Expect:
  1. iTunes Streaming service (aka Apple using Lala's acquisition efficiently). It's not gonna happen because iTunes makes enough money with its purchase only model, there really isn't any viable competition... yet.
  2. iPhone 5 announcement. We go through this every time Apple holds an event. IPhones have their own event, that's when we'll hear about them.
  1. Although this isn't an announcement for Lion , Apple's latest version of OS X, don't be surprised if we hear a few more morsels of info as how Apple plans on blurring the line between desktop and mobile.
  2. iPad 2 will be on sale immediately after the announcement. It's not too likely but it would be a great way to reaffirm Apple's dominance in the mobile space. It ain't easy to project selling 6.5 million iPads in one quarter without having a lot of sway in the manufacturing world; this will just show how much clout Apple really has.
If there's anything you think we missed, drop a line in the comments.