Monday, February 14, 2011

New MacBook Pros: Rumor Round 1

Seems like it's Apple Rumor Monday around these parts, but here's the first (hopefully the only) MacBook Pro refresh rumor: New MacBook Pros out March 1, 2011.

If MacRumors is correct, then you really shouldn't be buying a MacBook Pro just yet.

MobileMe For Free?

IPhone season is in full effect over at the Wall Street Journal, as reports rumors of a newer cheaper iPhone are coming out (again). However, one of the biggest pieces of anonymously sourced pieces of info come from Apple's MobileMe is expected to be free in its latest revamp.

Currently MobileMe subscribers dish out $99 per year for what can be basically broken down to a Dropbox account and the ability to remote wipe your iPhone/iPad, so having it go free will be a big deal for folks who either said $99 per year is steep or couldn't justify the cost by not having an iPhone to remote wipe. It will be interesting to see if/how Apple will sweeten the pot for folks who've been paying the $99.

Also, lost (buried) in the original article, is mention of Apple's streaming music service which may or may not be ready in time for the MobileMe announcement. Gotta love those anonymous sources.