Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Night Before the Keynote

Twas the night before the keynote
and all through the land;
The bloggers were a frenzy
For what was at hand.
They boarded their planes
handling laptops with care.
In hopes that his Steveness
and Tablet would soon be there.
So for the next 24
we'll sacrifice our beds,
As images of iPad OS dance in our heads.
So with @MrHaroHaro prepping coffee
and me with MacBook in lap.
We eagerly await the REAL news,
and hope it ain't a trap.
What with today's
McGraw-Hill leak
that sparked quite the chatter.
We all know by tomorrow
it just wouldn't matter...

This is my obligatory pre-Tablet/Unicorn Tears/Mythical unannounced "game changing," "print industry saving," "god-tablet" post. Tomorrow once there is real news to report we'll bring you the condensed version of tomorrow's Apple Keynote.

Thank you to all the men and women that have brought us all kinds of Tablet/Slate/whatever news and rumors. In specific thanks to,, and for all the great stories - check those out and see how they panned out after tomorrow's event.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Nexus One... Now what?

Yesterday Google officially made the Nexus One aka the Google Phone official; now what? After all but promising that the Nexus One will cure cancer, Google announced the latest (and currently greatest) handset running the Android OS. The much hyped news bouncing around the interwebs was that Google will change the way people buy cellphones and "change the mobile industry." If that was their intention they fell short of doing so.

To mark the occasion Google created a new way to buy the phone - direct from Google. Once you make the appropriate button clicks you're ready to make your purchase of a brand new unlocked Nexus One for $530 or a T-Mobile subsidized handset for $180 with a 2-year agreement.

As I mentioned earlier, spec wise the phone is a beast. Aesthetically it IS the prettiest phone to come out of HTC - whatever that means I'll leave up to you; and pricing isn't horrible for an unlocked phone. But I repeat: This. Will. Not. Change. The. Mobile. Industry.